David Becker » E-Learning for Mr. Becker

E-Learning for Mr. Becker

Students will head to Google Classroom to access their E-Learning menu. Each menu will contain options for three days. The students must complete 90 points over three days on the e-learning menu and complete the chart at the bottom of the menu with their work links/notes.  

The assignment should be turned in before 10:00 pm on the third day.  Make sure to have your student hit “Turn In” so that we will be notified of their completion. With many of the hyperdocs students will be prompted to “make a copy” of their document.  They should do this, then link their own personal copy in the Choice menu.


Click here for Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NDE1MDg3MjQ2Mzda